SmallTask - Simple To-Do List App Reviews

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Excellent app

Only 4 stars, why? limited room for data. Just create a place for notes. Then, 10 stars.

Small Task

The pretty app for everyone and every time


Very simple, easy to use. I didnt like Reminders, never used it. I like this much better and like using it. The interface is simpler and cleaner than reminders, and I love simple apps.

Does the job !

I use this app every day. Simple, clean and handy.


So simple but so efficient. No un necessary frills. I use it everyday and It works much better than others I have tried. Great job. Well designed and well thought out. dan

Easy to use

If you are looking for a very easy way in which to keep track of just about everything, this is the ap for you. It takes just a couple of minutes to learn how to use it. It works great in the cloud between your various pieces of equipment. Dont expect a lot of bells and whistles. This is for folks who want something as simple as possible to use.


This app helps me manage my time nicely and easily. But it could be far better if the completed tasks were removed authomatically.

Perfect app!

One of my favorite apps ever. I use this app everyday, and its better than reminds from iOS. Strongly recommend.

good, but could be better

overall, this is a good app. it is missing 2 important features. the ability to repeat a task and sync with dropbox. so reluctantly I have deleted the app. fix these and I will gladly use this app.

very good

Minimal, minimal, minimalis.

No more expect from this app. I love it <3

Ultra Minimal

I have one big todo app, but other side Small test. Great!

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